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PPG: Meeting Minutes 12th December 2023
- David Blount - Chair
- Andrew Cadbury - Vice Chair
- Christine Walter - Secretary
- Cameron Cater - Westbank Practice
- Arthur Laxton
- Faith Wood
- Shirley Beer
- Sadie Clarke
- Melani Dyke - Westbank Practice
- Claire Conway-Wright - Westbank Practice
- Alex Cook - Westbank Practice
- Amanda Kohn - WHLC
- Jan Caig
- Valerie Santer
David welcomed all to the meeting and introduced Melani Dyke, the champion of the Learning Disability Register at Westbank Practice.
Apologies has been received from Claire and Alex from Westbank, Amanda from WHLC, Jan and Valerie.
Minutes of last meeting
The minutes of the last meeting held on 14th November 2023 were agreed and signed.
Matters arising from the Minutes
Complementary Therapy Sessions
David had spoken to Dr Wong about PPG member access to the online training module on complementary therapies. Dr Wong was still looking in to it. Cam said he was chase up.
Friends and Family Test
The F&F Test is a very short survey questionnaire sent weekly via text message to people who have had an appointment that week. Over 100 are sent back every week. Cam circulated a summary of the results for October/November. 294 responses gave a ‘Very Good’ rating. 6 responses gave comments on what ‘improvements’ they wanted.
A few negative comments are received every month but since the responses are anonymous the negative issues raised can not be followed up directly with the patient concerned but nevertheless improvements are made if possible.
Practice Updates
Nothing to report this month.
Neuro Diversity
Melani Dyke from Westbank Practice introduced herself to the group. Mel acted as the champion for the Learning Disability Register at the Practice and explained how neurodiverse patients can be supported to enable them to access healthcare. Until the age of 14 patients are identified on a Paediatric Learning Disability Register then they are referred to the GP Register. Currently most patients on the Westbank Register have ADHD but Mel said that she was seeing an increasing number of patients with autism. Patients on the Learning Disability Register have a digital flag on their patient record to highlight need for extra support. No such flag exists for patients with autism but the Government was looking to introduce one. In the meantime the Practice was using its own flag method.
Those with a learning disability and those with autism are known to be a group who do not seek help and can have poor access to health services because they are unable to overcome barriers that enable them to access the care needed. To address this all patients on the Register or flagged by the Practice are called in for an annual health check. Since Mel joined the Practice last year and, as a result of Mel’s effort and staff training, the Practice is rated in the top 5 in Devon for completing annual health checks. Additional support of Reasonable Adjustments is also given such as extra time for appointments, a quiet place to wait, an appointment at a better time, letters and information in Easy Read format, a chaperone to support at appointments. Information about Reasonable Adjustments is on display in the surgery. However, it was generally recognised by the PPG that awareness needed to be increased. The information monitor in the waiting room could potentially be used. Cam to check if local content can be added to the national pack content supplied for display.
News from Westbank PLC
No report available
PPG Updates in Village Newsletters
Copy for the February issues of the village magazine’s was in hand.
Discuss dates for 2024 meetings and discuss starting times
After discussion it was agreed that the PPG would reduce the number of meetings to 9 per year. In 2024 there would be no meetings in January, August and October. It was agreed that meetings would remain at a 2pm start time excluding the AGM.
Review of Terms of Reference:
It was agreed that the ToR should be dated by a footnote rather than in the heading and that the Frequency of Meetings would be updated to reflect the agreement above.
How can the PPG seek wider input from people unable to attend meetings
Recognising that many people are unable to attend afternoon meetings Cam would include something in the Practice Newsletter and on the website to encourage wider input into the PPG.
Discuss ideas for topics that we may wish to feature/include at future meetings - Healthwatch
David would write to Amanda to ask if she could arrange for someone from Healthwatch to talk to us at the February meeting.
David had received one item from a lady who was concerned that she had not received the F&F Test survey. The lady then contacted David again to say she had since received the survey. Item resolved.
Arthur felt the PPG should have an update on the Matford development. He understood that Ide Lane Surgery were to assimilate the development into their practice but ‘all sorts of things can go wrong’. David would include an item on the next agenda and ask Westbank Practice for an update.
Sadie asked if there was something more the PPG can do to build awareness of its role and get the views of other demographics. For example, there were regular groups attending Westbank that could potentially provide patient input to the PPG if they knew of its existence. Following discussion it was agreed that Sadie would identify groups attending Westbank to whom the PPG could potentially give a ‘presentation’.
Sadie offered to produce marketing and commas material with content agreed by the PPG.
David to include AGM content on agenda for the next meeting.
Next Meeting Date
- Tuesday February 13th 2024 2pm
- Westbank HL&LC